AP SBTET Diploma C16 C14 C09 March/April Results 2017 Release date info.The state board of technical education and training of Andhra Pradesh held the diploma examinations in the month of March and April respectively.This polytechnic examinations are conducted for different curriculum students.The 1st year examinations are conducted for the C-16 curriculum students and C14, C09 students wrote the 1st year ,4th and 6th semesters examinations.Now all the students are eager for their results.Results are expect to be announce on first week of June.Note this is only our expectation not official by any board.
To know the more details of your results information open the following links.
AP SBTET March/April Results 2017 Info(Click)
To know the more details of your results information open the following links.
AP SBTET March/April Results 2017 Info(Click)